How can I configure my XmToggleButton to resemble a PushButton widget
that appears to push in and out to represent on and off settings?
11-Jul-02 09:00 GMT
This can be very easily achieved by setting a few resources on the
XmToggleButton widget. The resources and the required settings are as follows:
- XmNshadowThickness should be set to 2
- This draws a border around the button
- XmNmarginLeft should be set to 0
- This removes the space which was occupied
by the indicator
- XmNindicatorOn should be set to XmINDICATOR_NONE
- This suppresses the small square indicator
A code example to set these resources on an XmToggleButton called "toggle1"
might read as follows:
XtVaSetValues ( toggle1, XmNshadowThickness, 2,
XmNmarginLeft, 0,
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